Wednesday, March 17, 2004

It will soon be March 20th. There is much for me to consider about the world and my position in it as we approach the first (and hopefully the only) anniversary of the war in Iraq. I'm listing here some web sites that I have been reading to help me figure it all out. There are many, many others. Maybe you will be interested, too.

We have to form our own opinions. Individually. Be smart. Read widely, including (or perhaps especially) differing opinions. Check the source. If you are getting your news or information from forwarded emails, check out who is sending them to you, and click through to the source.

One thing that I know for sure is that I can build peace in my heart. I can learn to be the "soft place to fall" for my family and friends. I can practice elevating my own standard of integrity and model the behavior I want to see around me. And I can Vote. This is not the year to be casual about politics.


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