Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Here's a funny one... (one of those multi-forwarded emails) I don't know who wrote it...

A woman on crutches came forward at the revival meeting. "Have faith and
you shall be healed!" shouted the evangelist. "What is your name, my
good woman?" he asked. "My name is Mrs. Smith," she replied, "and I've
been on crutches ove 30 years."
"Go behind these curtains and pray," the
evangelist instructed. Shortly, a man came forward. "my name ith Mither
Thamuel," he said, "and I have alwayth thpoken with a lithp." "Fine,
Mister Samuel," the evangelist said, "you join Mrs. Smith in prayer
behind the curtains."
A few minutes passed and the evangelist
proclaimed, "The time has come to witness these miracles of healing.
Throw one of your crutches out from behind the curtains, Mrs. Smith."
The gasping audience watched in amazement as the crutch sailed out from
behind the curtains. "Now throw away your other crutch." The crowd stood
and applauded wildly as the second crutch flew from behind the curtains.
Inspired, the evangelist commanded, "Mr. Samuel, speak to us in a loud,
clear voice that we all may hear." Samuel spoke, "Mitthith Thmith jutht
fell on her ath!"


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