Saturday, October 22, 2005

Last run-thru

The last rehearsal is done.
Three hours to 'last call'.
Four hours to 'curtain'.

It's odd for this ol' theatre major to be singing, not reading lines; and it is odd to work in a show this loose. The venue is the Spencer Theatre and one would be hard-pressed to find a better hall anywhere. Check out some of the amazing facts & acts that pertain. To be on the stage here is a huge thrill for me. I'll share some photos when they are done.

Meanwhile, check out this one: ME at the Stage Door! Very, very, very, way-too-cool!

And yes, that IS makeup on my face! That, in itself is a bit of a shocker - first time in over 12 years!


At 12:37 PM, Blogger Laura said...

This is sooo way cool!!! I so wish I could be there to hear you LIVE! Some day, I need to be in a space where I can listen to you sing. And maybe singing and baking at the same time, even.
Knock 'em out girl!

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Kate Winner said...

Thank you, both.
Joel, you warm my heart, as usual.
(And you know I will do almost anything to get on a motorcycle again!:) )

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Kate Winner said...

Thanks, Terri.
I'll get photos up just as soon as I can get my hands on them!


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