The Lost has been Found :)

A miracle has occurred! another one...
I found an author I have been looking for for years. literally...
I was just looking for the wrong NAME! I was so sure about who wrote Damiano's Lute that it didn't even occur to me to check. Duh!
The author is R. A. Macavoy, NOT M. K. Wren. I've found her at last and found a bonanza. She has written 11 books. I'll have some more in my hands shortly. The title I can recommend today is Tea with the Black Dragon. It's a wonderful fantasy/mystery with carefully drawn characters and a heroine with whom I can really identify. The books I was searching for is a series of four that begins with Damiano and ends with Diamiano's Lute. I can't wait to read them again. and you can bet I'll be checking out the other titles, too.
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