Saturday, January 14, 2006

Quick Note from a Nifty Nuthouse...

We are still in Albuquerque. Joel is finally getting better but the left lung is still problematic. It just doesn't want to come out and play...
(or Joel has a crush on a cute nurse...:) )

Two procedures so far. A CAT scan this morning may tell the tale; we're just waiting on the doctor's report.

We're holding up fairly well in spite of the stress. And when we step into perspective, we realize that this is NOT cancer, or Alziemers, of AIDS, or any one of many really nasty things that could be going on.

We've made a great new friend of the 'flarpist' Sue, and may work with her further in the future. She even included Joel in a story to be written about Sue for the Albuq paper and a hospital newsletter. Good for our egos and good to spend extra time with Sue.

Back to the hotel for a little sleep...thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


At 5:02 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Thanks for the update, I was getting a little anxious. Sounds like you are two very strong women. Hey what makes Sue a "flarpist"?

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Kate Winner said...

Joel coined the word because Sue plays both the Celtic Harp AND Native American flutes. AND she can play them at the same time! It's really quite amazing...hence the term: flarpist (or irreverently, harpy, or flarpy).

Thanks for keeping an eye out for us. I'll let you know more when I do. :)


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