Good Morning! I am back online at last. We have reached our home in New Mexico (in only 4 days on the road). It was wonderful and weird to be back here again. We found the property manager freaked out about our possible reactions to the dog smells left in our house by the tenants who occupied this space for a year. The end result is that we now have Beeeutiful new carpet throughout the house and it was installed in one day, only four days after we arrived. Lots of people worked hard to rearrange schedules to help us out.
It has been very special to walk into stores or offices and see people I know. The welcomes and hugs and smiles that we have received have been heart-warming. In the year and one half we were in Florida, we never ran into the people we were meeting...spread out too far and too few of them.
It's wonderful to be Home.
I'll continue this later; we are haveing a crisis around the connection of our new TV.