Nov. 3, 2004
I am almost dumbfounded by the results of yesterday's election. Let me start by saying that I don't trust ANY politicians. In general, I think they usually tell lies, have too much money, seek too much power, and ...I can't really think of anything positive or good in most people who describe themselves as politicians.
This new, repeat administration scares the daylights out of me. I believe they want to abridge my freedoms to increase their power. I believe that they seek to create a theocracy out of our present representative republic...(if you think America has ever been a democracy, think again).
The thing that discourages and dissappoints (and embarrassses) me the most, is the realization that we have created a culture ripe for this man and this machine! We have become lazy and stupid. We believe what we are told in commercial political advertising and don't even bother to find out that "Truth in Advertising" DOES NOT APPLY to political ads. We don't go to the source to see who is lying about what. We don't read the bills presented for passing or vetoes. We don't value the seperation of church and state. We don't value the freedom to be who we are. We don't even value the "pursuit of happiness" unless someone else's happiness looks like our own.
We have done this, ourselves, by failing to pay attention. And by failing to speak up when we could have done so. We..Me...I'm responsible, too, because I have been lazy and stupid and oblivious until we got to this national election when it has proven to be too late. Why did we not start screaming in 2000? Why did we not pay attention to our local issues and elections? Why?
Maybe, as I believe, we all reap what we sow... We get the cosmic lessons that we ask for. Oh, my goodness! There will be some major lessons to be learned in the next few years.
I have thought of moving outside of the US. I have thought of fighting. I have thought of pulling up the covers and hiding out. I don't know, yet, what I will do. I do know that things are going to be different in some significant ways.
What I have to figure out, now, is how to stand in my skin. What do I value? What do I want? What are my responsibilities to myself, my family, my fledgling business, my country, and my planet? What is my responsibility to my spirit? Where do I fit?
"The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way-- everywhere in the world." Franklin D. Roosevelt
I'll add to this as things clarify for me. I can't take thinking about it any more right now.