I was reminded recently that it has been a while since I posted. Oh, no! We've been really busy around here.
Joel has finished her first novel, a young-adult adventure. The beta-readers love it, and she has sent it off to an editor/publisher of this genre. Cross your fingers for her. Someone has even asked for a script version so we are very excited, as you can imagine!
I've been to a live conference, and attended a tele-summit, all with an eye to jump-starting my speaking/writing. From ezines, conference calls, tip sheets, and conferences my mind is over flowing. It's time now to settle down and "get 'er done"! To that end, I've made it about 2/3 through my first effort: a 6-part program called Your little 'l' life 101. It will be ready in a few days and will be available through my web site. This one is a freebie to test the waters.
We discovered the most amazing wonderful fun this Christmas!!! (well, Joel already knew, but I didn't) We went snow-mobiling on Christmas Day! I haven't had so much fun since I gave up my motorcycle back in the early 80's! I'm a little short for the model I was riding, but I was surprised at how easy it is. We were in the mountains near Cloudcroft, NM. The trip was guided, but he took us to several 'bowls' (wide open places) where he could sit off to the side and let us all cut loose! It was most fun. I love going FAST! I even stood up some times! By the time we were done, I was hoarse from shouting. I was pumped for hours! Can't wait to go again! Thanks for letting us tag along, Jessica.
I am finding out some very interesting things about aging, now that I'm doing it. I'm hoping to get some conversation going around this subject at a new chat room (CrackerJack Chat) that we posted on my website. One truism I've learned is that very few older people are old on the inside! Those of you enmeshed in the process know what I mean. You younger folk may not really get it. But I challenge you to consider this the next time you see your grandmother or some 'old lady' at the grocery store. Chances are, she's not more than 26 somewhere in her mind, and frustrated as all get-out with her knees (or hips, or blood pressure, etc) for betraying her.
My present goal (or one of them, anyway) is to bring this process of aging into a more conscious awareness (both of the people going thru it, and of the people watching it). We oldsters have some repsonsibilities for mentoring you old-people-in-training, and you could (if you choose) look at us as actual people, instead of just 'granddad' or 'you-old-fart'. I'll bet we could have some really interesting conversations.
I guess this will do it for now. I'm anxious to get on the net to order my new treadmill. More about that later...
remember to have fun! This might not be the only life you get, but it is most certainly the only one you have at the moment. Live so you have NO REGRETS!