Introducing THE OMNICRONES!!
I've been searching for my public voice - my coach persona - for ages. And I've been frustrated and furious at the namby-pamby, market-for-the-buck approaches to coaching and mentoring that I have been seeing around the web lately. I've worked on it alone, and with my own 'coach', even while we both lamented the industry label and sought for another way to name ourselves. Well, folks, here it is...!! The name is mine...the words that follow are Laura's. She's my mentor, my partner in discovery, and an omnicrone of the first order...or uber, if you will! hmmm...uber-omni...we're getting there, thank god.
So, what is an OmniCrone, you may be wondering?
This ain't your old-hag-with-the-warts-on-her-nose stirring up a kettle-of-toad-stew-in-the-primeval-forest. This is the Renaissance Woman of the I-am-Completely-Ready-to-Take-Over-the-World and I-Don't-Need-No-Sugar-Daddy and I-Certainly-Don't-Need-Your-Permission variety.
She's the real deal, flesh & blood, brains-body-wit-wisdom, howling-at-the-moon, website-building, business-running, look-you-right-in-the-eye and lets-roll-up-our-sleeves, we've-got-work-to-do woman that this world most desperately needs.
She's full force, not shrinking back (or shirking), give me integrity or give me death, I might like you but that doesn't mean I respect you, and if you aren't ready to slay a few dragons with me please move over, because I have work to do and I can't wait around until your favorite TV show is over, woman who demands the best of herself and delivers.
She isn't waiting to be rescued, and she isn't going to play damsel in distress hoping a man is going to come and take care of all the details, while she is pretending her life is some kind of optional hobby that she doesn't have to take responsibility for.
She is a fountain of love and compassion and you can trust her with your greatest vulnerabilities and know that she will watch your back if you are heading into the battle of your life, but she is not afraid to rattle your cage when you need a good shaking and if you can't handle it she's really sorry but you had it coming.
Is she becoming a little more real to you now?
Keep an eye out for her here, and at the sites and blogs we will be building soon. If you want to contact us, please do. If you want to join us, PLEASE do!
At the moment, you may reach us through these links. or or