Sunday, November 27, 2005


For the birds outside my office window!

Today it's mostly nut hatches, chickadees and junkos...
but there was a short-lived invasion by a flock of birds I've never seen - very skittish - haven't identified them yet and they haven't been back though I put out more of the rich food they were going for... migrators? maybe. When I'm done with the homework, I'll see if the pictures came out well enough to get a look. :)

..for distracting me from homework, for providing joy,
and for the really funny noise Li'l Bit makes when she watches them

and snow

and the smell of fresh paint.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger Erin said...

Thank you for giving rich food to the Wandering Birds. Little winged pilgrims from???

(we wandering types stick together)



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