Now, the REAL irony
A couple of days ago, I treated myself to two Dove chocolate caramels. I didn't realize they put a little message on each wrapper...rather like a little 'fortune candy'.
The first one said
The second one said
" Keep the Promises You Make to YOURSELF"
now my FOOD is talking to me!
I was too scared to eat #3.
Hi Kate,
The theme for today must be "Lost in Space." I have concluded that spirit just wants me to practice my typing and is trying to fire up more cells to keep my memory intact. I had written to you earlier because I just loved the Dove theme, but I'm not sure it made it's way to New Mexico. I have enjoyed your comments to Laura and often feel like I'm back at Camelot with King Arthur having discussions around the table with all of you.
I had mentioned to Laura a while back that I wash every day with Dove soap, for it feels like I'm bathing with Spirit. Shortly after that I noticed Oprah started advertising for Dove, and today whoola your Dove experience with the chocolate factory. It never ceases to amaze me how messages get through to us!
Happy blogging!
Since you like Dove soap, among other things, you might enjoy - a Dove site.
Thanks for posting. I think spirit must have a great sense of humor. I wonder what chuckles she gets from all the messages we DON'T get!
I like the round table image, too, though I will feel more comfortable if all the 'knights' are crones :)
See you again soon
Hello Kate,
Lightbulb moment - go for the third Dove - it's the Trinity affect and all will come back to balance! :-)
Wishing you a great workshop with QiGong and perhaps share a little of that with Joel! Her name contains "el" - Hebrew name for God.
Sometimes physical heart conditions are reflective of crystalization in another dimension of the energetic pattern.
"The Heart Matters" and when the matter is turned over to Spirit, wings emerge and Freedom takes flight. (That just popped in)
When I focus on your name I always see "Winners Circle" in full panorama color!
K - stands for Serpent of Wisdom
ate - Apple stands for Knowledge
Enjoy cooking up your favorite/flavorable wisdom dishes and perhaps leave a little Dove carmel on every plate.
Most excellent idea re: 3rd Dove.
The Qigong workshop was great; i'll be posting about it later.
Around here, Winner's Circle refers to race horses. I use The Winner's Edge Enterprises as the taxpaying umbrella for all the things we do under separate individual names.
Joel knew about the 'god' connection with her name, but is most happy to be named for two grandmothers: Johanna and Elizabeth.
Thanks for posting those links on your own blog site. I enjoyed them very much and will probably put them up on mine... :)
Thanks for showing up here, Kristie. Hope to hear from you again soon.
Hi Kate,
So glad you liked those links. I couldn't seem to get the "circle" theme out of my mind. It sometimes takes me awhile to bubble up the idea, but given time I sometimes experience a Beverly Hillbillies moment, and the energy comes through.
Your name with the K ate - then the ate turned into an 8. I see the serpent of wisdom, circle and an 8. There is one site that often assists in my finding the answers to the clue, and so I headed on over to that site tonight. Thanks for indulging me!
Ouroboros is an ancient alchemy symbol depicting a snake or dragon [DNA] swallowing its own tail, constantly creating itself and forming a circle. It is the Wheel of Time - The Alchemy Wheel - 12 Around 1 to manifest grid programs that give the illusion of linear time allowing souls to experience emotions.
(long article but worth reading and the 8 is explained)
I guess if you figure out the circle - you are a "Winner"! :-)
I'm going to go look for some of those Dove caramels in the morning!
I found them in a regular grocery store where they keep the bags of Hershey's kisses and stuff... Little bite-sized pieces of heavenly chocolate with a caramel surprise inside. Yum!
Thanks for the link; I'll go over & check it out.
Maybe not today, though. I have a bunch of accounting homework to do before Monday nite.
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