The Photos I Promised Yesterday

This is South Padre Island near Port Isabel. You can drive this beach for miles & miles & miles.
We sat here for hours watching birds and waves and surf fishers.

This is a shot of the team of professional sand sculptors who are building the Sponsors' Exhibit for the 10th annual Sandfest at Port Aransas, just north of Corpus Christi.

This shot is of the first morning of the Pros competition. The guy (center, top) is packing sand in these forms. Most are plywood and 2x4s. They use water, left in barrels at each site by the water truck, to help pack it in so it will support the detail work to come later. We couldn't stay for the whole thing, worse luck. They get 2 1/2 days to work before judging. And the festival includes music and a gazillion vendors. We'll be there next year!

This give you an idea of the detail that can be done, but you'll never believe it unless you can see it for yourself! They use water in sprayers (like pest control people use) to keep the sand moist while they are working, then they spray on a VERY diluted mixture of Elmer's glue and water to protect the surface.
Even so, it's all gone in just a few days...
testing this too.
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