Monday, May 15, 2006

Women ROCK!

Kristi, Erin, and Nancy, that must have been SOME KIND OF DANCING!
Skies began to look stormy just before sunset, with that strange yellow-gray that you sometimes see before storms. Then winds picked up and the clouds rolled in and the drops started falling.

I must say, the lightening was a little scary, given our dry conditions, but there wasn't much of it. Rain seemed to continue gently for many hours...we went to bed so I don't know how long.
Given the depth of the pond and other signs, I think we may have only gotten about 1/4 inch.
( is not telling me how much and I've already packed the rain guage.)

This morning is foggy and cool with a 60% chance of more precipitation later this morning.
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

If you feel like more dancin', GO FOR IT!
This rain won't change the forest restrictions, but it has let us all take a deep breath' it's washed off the layer of dust on everything, and gives us hope that we will last 'til the rainy season...early July. I can just hear the plants and animals all breathing a sigh.....



At 12:26 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Yeh, baby.
On one foot, no less. :-)

Happy happy for you, the plants and the animals!

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Kristie said...

Holy Moly as Laura has stated recently.......haven't heard that expression in years.....but it was a Holy Moly Wiggle Waddle - memories of my Wigwam days. And you.......thanks for sending up your sunshine!!!! I'm singing, "The Bluer Skies You've Ever Seen are in Seattle." Going to be in the 80's today. May you stay on the cool side, refreshed by nature's showers, while breathing a sigh of relief! Intentions are everything!


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