More and more, I'm coming to appreciate the work of Ronni Bennett at
Time Goes By, and especially this post about
the limitations of age. Her comments spring from packing to move, as we are doing, so it's doubly appropriate.
And Laura's been exploring some very rich territory recently. See her posts (and comments) for a few days around this one:
Can We REALLY Change...? and her series on Creativity
here. There are 7 parts so far, but that may not be all.....
All of these posts (and many of the comments) are talking about things very 'up' for me these days.
I'm effectively retired (at 58 11/12), a miraculous blessing in itself. My Mom's forethought - actually my Grandfather's - has made it possible for me to get out of corporate America without having to go to war for workplace respect and without having to live in fear of losing a pension to corporate greed.
I'm young, though, to consider sitting around in front of a computer all day, or reading, or....
What shall I do with my time?
I want to 'give back'. Well, what the hell does THAT mean?
I'm still working with the domestic violence group here... a little...
I found that being on the board was not all it was cracked up to be. I learned that I do not really play well with others, at least in that realm. I want the job to get done. I want you to give me the task, or give me the list of instructions that you want followed, and then leave me alone so that I can get busy. I do NOT want to manage people. I do NOT want to sit in a meeting for 90 minutes discussing important items that need decisions, but about which we can do nothing because we had NO Quorum! And I certainly do not want that condition to repeat itself when there are bylaws in place to prevent it.
OK, my patience is flawed.
I can wait for you to arrive at a lunch date for ages because you have a life and things come up, but I can't wait on a committee which encourages irresponsibility by continually accepting the same behavior by the same individuals.
I chaired a committee myself, for a while. 8 - 10 volunteered, 5 - 6 showed up for lunch meetings, 2 did the work. Not my thing.
The 'committee' died by attrition, the work goes on by those who DO it.
..........sorry....spleen needed venting...
But I come back to Laura's question: What is my 'Right Work'?
Damned if I know - for sure - but an image is forming. And it fits with a vision I had years ago about 'my perfect house'. Turns out that the house had a resident, and that resident was....
The Omnicrone. :)
She had no name at the time, but I could see her clearly. She's a grandmotherly type. Not tall, a little plump, a great gardener, possesses a comfortable lap, makes bread, beats on drums, is always at home, never locks her doors (who, me?!), practices Tai Chi and meditation, and has cats and birds living in her garden.
This may be my right work.
Earth Grandmother/Omnicrone
She who holds the sacred space, where all are comfortable, where there is always permission to cry, or to laugh, or to create and the only lesson is about adding to the love in the world.
I thought my right work was coaching.
But coaches have no professional use for laps.
I thought my right work might be preaching
but that implies a dogma or the belief that I know something you don't.
Decades ago I thought that my right work was to marry a preacher and have 10 kids! EEEK!!!
(Thank you, god, for letting me grow past that one while still childless)
Even while I was in it, I knew that banking was not my right work.
Somebody's maybe, but not mine.
And this brings me back to Ronni Bennett's blog about the limits of age. I'm feeling my years when I move packed boxes, and I have hated needing help. (I'm supposed to be the one who offers help.)
My left knee hurts sometimes, I can't really breathe well at this altitude (I used to think that was because I just work hard. Now that it may be about altitude, I get scared about my heart sometimes...)
And I'm beginning to see 'ageism' everywhere.
I think I may be growing into the Omnicrone. She's a little thinner than I and much more physically fit, but otherwise, I'm getting there.
I know I can create that kind of space. I do it now in my home; I think I can take it on the road.
Will I?
Stay tuned for developments as they break.