We're Home, and the race is on.
We got back to town mid-afternoon on Saturday. I'm happy to report that Joel is MUCH better. Still a small amount of lung left to pop open, but she's progressing and doing everything she was told to do.
The Nest, the new domestic violence shelter I'm involved with, is moving along very well, too. Most of the first floor will be ready for furnishing (and use) as of next week. So my committee is switching to high gear to catch up and locate what we need to furnish the administrative and counseling offices. The remaining downstairs will follow shortly and includes the common areas like kitchen, dining room, crafts/play area, laundry, salon and the first two sleeping rooms.
These will keep me busy with catch-up as well as the normal work, and there is still the house (which I must say, is not at the tip-top of my list!), so please excuse me if I don't get back here quite as often as I'd like.
Thanks for checking up on me!
OH!, I hear there is both video and still photo records of last year's concert, so you may get to take a peek one of these days!
Back soon!