What's New, You Ask...?
We're going to move-relocate-get the heck out of Dodge.
You may or may not know that we've been thinking of moving for a long time. We fell in love with Florida, for one thing, and Ruidoso just keeps getting crazier, and the weather is dryer each year, and the tourists thicker (?) and more abundant...
But where shall we go?
We've searched the net; researched various areas in Florida; hunted for rivers or lakes; cussed and discussed many parts of the country and a few other countries. What to do, what to do...?
Well, the decision has been made. And if you had asked me a few years ago, I'd have said, "No, not in a million years".
I'm going back to Lubbock, Texas. The very bottom of the Texas panhandle. OMG, I'll be a Texan again!
Several things decided us:
- Joel breathes SO much better at a lower altitude.
- No tourists
- A BIG university - Texas Tech
- A wonderful medical center - the Tech Med school - HIGHLY respected
- Tai Chi and Yoga out the a...wazoo
- My sister and brother and their families
- BIG ONE - How far our money will go in that economy v. this one, especially in housing
- Thai and Indian restaurants right in town
- Horizons - took me a long time to miss them, but now I long for the long view.
As for the tornadoes...we'll get a basement!
We'll be talking about this a lot more as we progress, but we are already talking to realtors there and here.
TTFN - off to lunch and the pairs competition from Torino
Wow, big news! Big change!
You sound decided, and excited about your "new project". SO, me too!
On another note, didn't know you were a Texan! You're not going to start drawlin like a Texan, are yer? (Or do you already and I just didn't know?)
Last comment, promise, but it just hit me. You do have a way of living in places with fabulously evocative names. I LOVE the town name Ruidoso, if you haven't guessed, good old Noisy New Mexico, and know what? I love Lubbock, too. Say it. Lubbock. It just SOUNDS like the Texas Panhandle, doesn't it?
saludos and toots for you from here...
Always feels like a fresh breeze when you show up here, Erin. I thought about you and Noisy when I announced this move. Glad you can find some music in the word Lubbock; I don't hear it myself.
Re: the accent/drawl - The Texans don't hear it in my voice (serious vocal music teacher in Jr. and Hi school), but away from Texas, I'm still identifiable. Oh, well.
If you were ever a country music fan, you might remember a song by Mac Davis called "Lubbock in my Rear View Mirror"; it was THIS Lubbock :) Home of the Texas Tech Red Raiders!
Are you kidding? Say it again. Lubbock.
It could almost be a frog, don't you think? Are there frogs in Lubbock?
lubbock. lubbock.
:-) that's it, a frog.
You are so right! It sounds exactly like a frog.
There must be some there! Lubbock used to be a huge dust storm on any windy day, surrounded as it is by farms. Now, the city is bigger, the farms are farther out, and many small mad-made lakes have been added...must be frogs around there some where!
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