So you think you know about prejudice...
Whatever you do - whatever it takes -
Go see CRASH!
A very powerful film. It's on Dish pay-per-view right now.
I'd love to hear your comments once you've seen it.
Ideas, thoughts, ramblings and rumblings of this one manifestation of the cosmic mind.
Whatever you do - whatever it takes -
I did not even hear this one hit the ground.
I say 'dressing room' (singular) because that wonderful marvelous crazy-man Producer Steve assigned me to one of my own! (OK, I technically shared it with someone, but after make-up they never came back to it!) I was NOT in the big room with all the dancers, etc.
It's nearly noon on Sunday and I'm still high as a kite!
You will never know, really, how I feel about my experience last night. What I hope for you is an experience like that of your own.
Say Yes.
The last rehearsal is done.
I wanted to get more in here today...but it will have to be later.
I'm not sure I know how to be effectively angry.
There are a bunch of beautiful new posts to the Flower Mandala site. (The address is in the sidebar.)
The up-close-and-personal of the last four months is over now.
I can hardly believe that it has taken me so long to learn what everyone else seems to know already about lawyers and our legal system.
Blessings on my friend and coach and you-name-it, Laura Young, and for her posting today. I'm borrowing from her for some of my work here... Thanks Laura.
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
Oh, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born into eternal life.AMEN
It is a beautiful prayer. I've heard/read it before; I believe in its sentiments.
For today, I must edit a version for my own understanding...
Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace;
May I seek to hold a peaceful space in the midst of chaos; don't let me seek to impose it.
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
While understanding that hatred is a human thing and no more wrong in the moment than any other emotion.
where there is injury, pardon;
My job is to let go of guilt where I have injured others and let go of blame where I have been injured; I believe that 'pardon' is within the purview of the Devine. For me (for now) the concept of forgiveness implies a judgement. If I do not judge, do not place blame, there is no need for me to forgive. It smacks of a kind of arrogance I don't understand and am not willing to embrace. Whether I (or another) seeks forgiveness from whatever Holy Source we believe in, is separate and apart.
I do 'get it' that I stand virtually alone in holding this opinion. It is also quite possible that I am totally and completely wrong. I don't mind that; time and Spirit will tell.
where there is doubt, faith;
I've still working on 'faith' and yet I do have it. I believe that all things come to us from a Master Plan (even the painful ones) and that there is light on the other side.
where there is despair, hope;
Only in dispair did I learn the immense value of reaching out to say, "I need...". So here, again, I hold hope-full space and an open heart, and know that this, too, can be part of a devine plan.
where there is darkness, light;
No problem with this...all I can really do is to hold us all in holy, peaceful, calm, hopeful Light.
and where there is sadness, joy.
"Joy comes in the morning." It's for after the walk thru the dark valley. To mention it too soon is to deny the reality of the pain, anger...whatever it is that goes on in the moment.
Oh, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
All of this is 100% true and right-on-the-money for me. And it is in the 'giving' of these things, that I receive them.
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned
I've already discussed my problems with the 'pardoning' thing...
So the learning goes on.
There have been explosions and tears and guilt and sadness
and one day we will all be on the other side of this. We exist in the Light, even when we can see no sign of it.
Thanks to all of you for your encouraging comforting words. :)
It was a good day. a very good day...
It's AspenFest weekend; our little village celebrates 60 years this fall: our Diamond Anniversary!
The town was full of people. We watched the parade. Every school team, every church, political parties, banks & retail merchants, the Wells Fargo stagecoach, the Amarillo TX Muleskinners, bands, and Shriners.
It was definitely small-town and was very short on music for my tastes, but it's a big deal here and was lots of fun.
We skipped the Chili Cook-off. None of the competition chilies are half as good as Joel's and ...well, that's just not my scene.
We went to the Arts & Crafts show sponsored by the local gymnastics association and tripped out over some wire and glass hangy-down things. Also found the BEST sweet & hot green chili relish. mmm-m-m good!
Shared a good lunch and won $60 bucks on the penny slots!
Not bad at all for a sunny fall day in a gorgeous place in this world. When I got home I sat on the porch and read a good mystery. Home was calm today; people had fun and were content in the moment.
A lovely day...
I didn't get to the woods, but I felt like it. A lovely respite.
I hope you had a peaceful Saturday, too. :)
You simply must go to The Flower Mandalas Project web log and look at these. They are amazing photos (manipulated) of real flowers.
An interesting comment by a sister blogger, Erin, says